@cycomachead What are the right incentives and tools? – not locking users data in a central company’s silo – publish freely – publish under your own domain – keep publishing separate from the social network – multiple social networks should exist – the feed should be open to all sorts of software that any social […]
The single greatest feature I feel missing in all of my productivity software, organizational apps and coding IDEs — is a spacially consistent view of my work. Why? Ultimately it feels like monitors just can’t be big enough. I want my office to include a wall sized touch display.
An abandoned paddock — at the halfway mark on the way to my office in San Jose.
There are so many things that are difficult, hard, not right or problematic in my life — coming home to my Mel and bathing in the light of a fall sunset make all of them better. (psssssssssssstt… I love you Melanie)
Protocol Programming Problem
I love the idea of protocol oriented programming. So far, I’ve used it in a limited way. But, while branching out I ran in to this case that has so far forced me to use more boiler plate code than I think I should (guard statements and casting of properties) I’m looking to understand why […]
Manual Reference Counting and Blocks puzzle
I have ‘come of age’ in the ARC era. Although I have done some manual reference counting and think I understand it, I took a test on my Obj-C skills lately and ran across this puzzle. My answer was the simple, obvious and incorrect choice. To understand it better I created this test project and […]